Bonus Cash are “power-ups” or bonuses that Tada applies to your account. The amount you receive from the Bonus Cash depends on the type that is applied to your account.
Generally, there are two types: Receipt Bonuses & Shop Bonuses. These types of bonuses will add Cash Back to your account when you conduct the activities that unlock the award. Examples of these include a bonus that:
- Awards you a flat amount for uploading a receipt
- Awards you a flat amount for completing an activity in the Tada App
- Awards you a flat amount when you shop online at
The bonus tied to a Shop bonus will be credited when the Cash Back credits for your qualifying purchase. Travel and MyGiftCardsPlus purchases do not qualify for Shop bonuses.
All bonuses have an expiration date. If you have multiple bonuses applied to your account for the same type of award, i.e,. multiple bonuses that issue awards for uploading receipts, they are applied on a “first to expire basis”.